Scientific Photos

Contact and Imprint

Dr. Markus Osterhoff

Terms of Use

Data Privacy

We do not save any personal data. does not use cookies or any outher means for tracing / spying on visitors.

Some basic connection details (IP and timestamp, user agent, Referer) may be logged from time to time for debugging analysis.

But please consider that traffic between you and our server is routed through many providers / networks, and might easily be analysed, saved, and processed by any parties.

Copyright / Urheberrecht

All contents, especially photos, published on are protected by respective copyright laws. You are not allowed to use our material without an explicit agreement. This includes posting of our photos on any third-party website.

Die auf veröffentlichen Fotos sind urheberrechtlich geschützt und dürfen nicht ohne ausdrückliche Genehmigung des Autors benutzt werden; insbesondere ist die Verwendung auf anderen Webseiten oder in Publikationen jeglicher Art untersagt.


Information on these web pages, although collected and written with care, may be wrong or obsolete. If you follow any link to other web pages, you have left the area of influence of the authors of; please consider their imprint and legal notices.

Contacting me

Please use the aforementioned contact information if you are interested in licensing my photos, or ask for contract work. Requests by SEO or similar services is not desired.

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